Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Environmental Disruption--Oil Drilling and Fracking

Hydraulic fracture-drilling (fracking) is a process that is executed for the sake of natural gases that can be used for energy. It creates jobs and opportunities for small towns. The thing is, in order to access these gasses, a high quantity of methane and other toxic chemicals are released into the ground. These chemicals can contaminate the well water that feeds directly into peoples homes. Many people have gotten sick, but have no evidence that it was fracking that contaminated their water, or got them sick

I am against fracking, for more reasons than one. I am a sole believer that the country should be completely powered by clean energy. (windmills on Cape Cod, water turbines in Oregon/Washington, solar panels in Arizona)  Anything that pollutes should not be indulged in, because while the power we gain is convenient, we need to concentrate on getting the environment back on track. Fracking pollutes- so why bother? Our world should be our priority, we only have one of those.

Oil Drilling- is something that can endanger animals of all kinds. In the Gulf Coast Oil Spill, hundreds of animals were killed by the gallons of oil released into the ocean. Oil is a fossil fuel- which is made up of animals thousands of years old. We only have so much of it, and if we don't change our ways, we'll run out, probably before we're ready. (the question is- will it be too late by then?) Oil is used to power cars, a major polluting source. It is also used to make plastic, a material that takes hundreds of years to decompose when it's thrown out. 

I am against Oil drilling, because a mistake could be so destructive to our environment. Even if our willing is flawless, the oil goes to more polluting ways- it's destructive either way. I don't like things that could hurt any other organism, because I believe that all things have the right to live- no matter the form. The Gulf Coast Oil Spill lead to hundred of deaths of sea birds, sea mammals, and fish. By endangering an animals life we are selfish and corrupt.


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